Member Organizations
Our Member Organizations
Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati is a local federation of charities with 29 member organizations and 10 Social Justice Incubator members. We are an affiliate of Community Shares USA, a national network across 11 states that connect, fund and raise awareness for community groups fighting for fairness, equality, and opportunities for all.
In addition to sharing in revenue from our annual workplace fundraising campaigns, member charities are provided training on nonprofit administration excellence and continuous improvement, networking opportunities with similar organizations, and advocacy services for issues of importance to them.
Applications for membership become available in spring and are due June 1 but may be accepted at any time during the year. Any 501c3 working in social justice, economic justice, environmental justice, or animal welfare and serving residents in Southwest Ohio (the Cincinnati and Dayton metropolitan areas), Northern Kentucky, or Southeast Indiana is eligible for consideration. New applicants should complete an application here and return it via email or contact us for a link to our Google Drive. Renewing members may access their renewal packets here to return via the same methods.
Charities designated with the following symbol ◈ are members of our Diamond Decade Club, meaning the charity (or it and its predecessor if it merged with another organization) has been a member of Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati for 10 years or more. Those with two symbols ◈ ◈ are Double Diamond members, indicating the charity has been a member for more than 20 years!
Animal Welfare
◈ League for Animal Welfare reduces the number of homeless cats and dogs in Greater Cincinnati by providing a compassionate no-kill animal shelter and programs that promote responsible pet care
PAWS (Progressive Animal Welfare Society) operates a no-kill animal adoption center in Monroe and has found loving, forever homes for over 13,000 homeless dogs, cats, puppies and kittens.
◈ United Coalition for Animals (UCAN) operates a veterinary clinic which provides quality, affordable spay/neuter and other services to prevent the euthanasia of dogs and cats in shelters.
Civic Engagement
◈◈ League of Women Voters – Cincinnati Education Fund provides information to the public about elections and public policy issues in a balanced way. It encourages voting and citizen participation to make democracy work.
Empowering Women
◈ ◈ MUSE Cincinnati Women’s Choir is an inclusive and feminist choral community advocating for peace and social justice. Our Vision is to create a more peaceful and just world through song.
◈ ◈ Woman’s City Club educates, empowers, and engages the citizens of Greater Cincinnati to participate together in promoting the common good.

Criminal Justice
◈ Ohio Justice and Policy Center creates fair, intelligent, redemptive criminal justice systems through zealous client-centered advocacy, innovative policy reform, and cross-sector community education.
Educational Opportunity
Friends of Harriet Beecher Stowe House operates a historic site where visitors and program participants learn about this 19th century anti-slavery advocate and the House’s continued legacy of civil rights.
Queen City Foundation introduces, informs, and supports minority students who possess academic talent, desire, and motivation.
Youth at the Center challenges the old adage ‘children should be seen and not heard’. We advance opportunities for young people to be seen, heard, and valued as the next generation of leaders.
Environment and Nature
Green Umbrella leads collaboration, catalyzes solutions and incubates ideas that create a resilient, sustainable region for all.
◈ Keep Cincinnati Beautiful empowers people to build community and create a positive future through neighborhood revitalization, education, and mobilization.
Oak Heritage Conservancy preserves and protects unique land and water resources including forests, meadows, wetlands, farmland, and other greenspaces across southeast Indiana.
Western Wildlife Corridor protects, restores, preserves natural habitat along the Ohio River greenway corridor from Mill Creek to Great Miami River. Provides education to foster connections with nature.
Health and Wellness
◈ Health Resource Center of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. is a certified and accredited Nurse Managed Psychiatric and Medical Clinic treating the indigent in Cincinnati who cannot access services at other agencies.
◈◈ Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region provides access to high quality health care and education that empower people to make informed private decisions about their reproductive lives and sexual health.
LGBTQ+ Advocacy
Cincinnati Pride was first held as a protest in 1973 for LGBTQ+ rights and has grown as a community organization, annual event, regional festival, and city holiday.
◈ Equality Ohio advocates and educates on behalf of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Ohioans to achieve legal and lived equality.
◈ GLSEN Greater Cincinnati strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Living With Change works to educate, inspire, and empower communities to advocate and support trans LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.
Transform Cincy works with transgender and gender non-conforming youth on their path to authenticity with free clothing and wardrobe styling.
Safe and Affordable Housing
◈ ◈ Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless is a unified social action agency committed to the eradication of homelessness. We achieve this by coordinating services, education, and grassroots organizing and advocacy.
◈ ◈ Over-the-Rhine Community Housing is a non-profit community development organization providing a wide spectrum of affordable and supportive housing options with life-changing programs to help low-income residents succeed.
Strengthening Families
Last Mile is a Greater Cincinnati food rescue organization on a mission to save good food and get it to those who need it most.
Neighborhood Allies is a grassroots organization with a mission of "Changing the world one street at a time; helping meet basic needs, promoting equality and creating community wide positive change."
◈ ◈ UpSpring empowers children experiencing homelessness by providing opportunities for education and enrichment.
◈ Winton Place Youth Center provides after-school tutoring, mentorship and character development workshops, enabling youth to make positive contributions to the community.
Welcoming Immigrants
Transformations CDC provides direct services to immigrant adults, children and families; collaborates on education, physical and mental health programs; works with regional allies on immigration policy issues.
Willows Project provides essential food, housing, transportation, education, and legal support to Central American immigrants in the Springdale and Glendale areas.
Incubating Through Fiscal Sponsorship
In addition to our member charities, we also incubate emerging causes in the community through our Social Justice Incubator, mentoring them as they operate under our 501c3 tax-exempt umbrella. We collect donations on their behalf and pay any expenses from their account with us as we help them mature and eventually stand on their own. Current fiscal sponsorship relationships are:
Cincinnati NAACP, making it possible for donors to supporting charitable projects with tax-deductible contributions through Community Shares to assist Cincinnati’s leading civil rights organization.
County Connect, a group focused on building relationships between rural and urban Ohio communities
Elech provides a community of belonging for the LGBTQ Jew-ish community of Cincinnati through the celebration of shared intersectional culture. Elech envisions a dynamic and inclusive collective where Queer Jews in Cincinnati find belonging, connection, and celebration. We are committed to creating a vibrant space where LGBTQ Jewish individuals and their families can come together outside traditional synagogue life to engage in Jewish culture, holidays, and community-building. Our vision is to foster a thriving, interconnected community where Queer Jews can fully participate, celebrate their identities, and form lasting bonds.
Greater Cincinnati Voter Collaborative, a collaborative to advance non-partisan, civic, and electoral engagement in Greater Cincinnati through a collective empowerment model.
Journey Services, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Greater Cincinnati that helps people navigate challenging journeys at the intersections of mental health, social justice, and equity & inclusion. We offer mental health counseling and counselor supervision services in one of Ohio’s four regions ranked lowest for the availability of mental health professionals. We provide trauma informed, culturally competent, and social justice affirming care to all our clients, whatever their life journeys. We also provide support services for small intersectional nonprofits to help ensure the sustainability of their grassroots efforts for minority, disability, gender, and LGBTQ+ rights.
Reach Collective, a group to support mental health and build community through physical practices such as martial arts and yoga, along with mentorship and community events.
Science On Tap, a monthly gathering at Radio Artifact to hear a lecture on a different topic related to science.
Transform Cincy works with transgender and gender non-conforming youth on their path to authenticity with free clothing and wardrobe styling.
United We Stand Cincinnati, organizers of the Cincinnati Women's March.
Treehouse Cincinnati is an intersectional LGBTQIA+ space rooted in creative advocacy, centering its four root organizations: GLSEN Cincy, PFLAG Cincy, Black Power Initiative, and Love Must Win.
Young Activists Coalition, a group of local youth leaders fighting for peace, justice, and human rights.