Our Position Statements
We use our voice to amplify issues of concern impacting the marginalized in our community and causes important to our member charities
Opinions expressed by our Board of Directors are those solely of the Board and not necessarily representative of the opinions of our individual member charities. As a charity that has taken the 501h election with the IRS, we are allowed to use a limited amount of our resources to lobby government and the public about issues but are prohibited from endorsing any individual candidates for office.
At right, a marcher from member organization Woman’s City Club of Greater Cincinnati. at a protest.

OCTOBER 25, 2022 – At the request of member charity the Health Resource Center, the Board of Directors of Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati recently endorsed the Hamilton County Mental Health Levy and encourages our stakeholders to vote in favor of its passage in the general election.
It all begJUNE 28, 2022 – The following statement may be credited to our CEO T. Duane Gordon. As was expected, the US Supreme Court on Friday made the unprecedented and previouslyins with an idea.
APRIL 12, 2022 – Whereas, members of the Ohio Legislature have introduced several bills that have the potential to cause real and direct harm to the citizens of our state, the Board of Directors of Community
FEBRUARY 10, 2021 – The Board of Directors of Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati is adamantly against the misinformed and misguided legislation HB61. This attack on trans children is not acceptable.
OCTOBER 12, 2020 — Hamilton County residents are being harmed by sewage overflows, sewer backups and unaffordable sewer rates. While the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD)
JUNE 22, 2020 - Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati is a federation of 28 charities as diverse as the Ohio Justice and Policy Center, the Winton Place Youth Center and MUSE, the
JUNE 2, 2020 — The events of the past week have reminded us all of the fragile line between peace and chaos that has been thinning for years in our country. We have watched residents of our city
FEBRUARY 12, 2020 – As the tri-state region’s federation of social justice charities, Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati has an obligation to advocate for the rights of the
On June 4, 2020, after more than a week of protests across the United States and almost three months into a global pandemic, The Ohio Justice & Policy Center and the Cincinnati Black